The Old Man and the Sea

a ballet

CDK Music is looking for a ballet company to premiere "The Old Man and the Sea".

This Hemingway novel has intrigued me since I first read it many years ago.

"The Old Man and the Sea" is my fourth ballet.

The composition was started on October 18, 2012, in my parents' house, in the Ukraine. On October 19, my father suddenly died. It changed a lot, including the concept of the upcoming ballet. It looked like my father was waiting for me to start composing this ballet, or the ballet was waiting for my father's death.

What is the Sea? The life you are leaving or the death lying ahead? And of course the Old Man, the Boy, the Marlin. Who are they? The story suddenly changed its meaning and became very personal.

On October 19, I knew that "The Old Man and the Sea" would be dedicated to my father.

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